新安装的CentOS没有默认没有装语言支持(Language Support),因此很不方面。
su root
yum install "@Chinese Support"
然后设置Input Methord即可。
Install Language support in CentOS 5 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Q. How do I install Languages in Linux after installation? I don’t have any language specific support installed but need to install the same. I’m using both RHEL 5 and CentOS 5.
A. Yellow dog Updater, Modified, a package manager for RPM-compatible Linux systems such as CentoS 5/Fedora 7 and RHEL 5. Yum's repository system is quickly becoming the standard for RPM-based repositories.
If the languages were not installed during the installation, the same can be installed by YUM command. Use following command to install Hindi and Chinese support.
# yum groupinstall {LANGUAGE-support}
# yum install "@Hindi Support" # yum install "@Chinese Support"
Use yum grouplist list available groups and languages.